United States Congress
Senator Dick Durbin
Senator Tammy Duckworth
Congressman Bill Foster
Congresswoman Lauren Underwood
State Legislators
State Senator Sue Rezin
State Senator Tom Bennett
State Senator Patrick Joyce
State Senator Rachel Ventura
State Senator Meg Cappel
State Representative Jackie Haas
State Representative Jed Davis
State Representative Anthony DeLuca
State Representative Jason Bunting
State Representative Nicholas Smith
State Representative Larry Walsh Jr.
State Representative Natalie Manley
State Representative Dagmara Avelar
County Executive Jennifer Bertino Tarrant
Circuit Clerk Andrea Chasteen
County Clerk Lauren Staley
County Auditor Duffy Blackburn
County Coroner Laurie Summers
County Recorder of Deeds Karen Stukel
County Sheriff Mike Kelley
States Attorney Jim Glasgow
County Treasurer Tim Brophy
Superintendent of Schools Liz Caparelli Ruff
County Board Members
Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy
Councilman Larry Hug
Councilman Pat Muldron
Councilwoman Sherri Reardon
Councilwoman Bettye Gavin
Councilman Terry Morris Sr.
Councilman Cesar Guerrero
Councilwoman Jan Quillman
Councilman Joe Clement
The Honorable JB Pritzker, Governor
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Office of The Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph St., Suite 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
312.814.2121 or 312.814.2021
ilga.gov includes rosters of all state senators and representatives plus information on a variety of topics related to state government such as pending legislation, Illinois constitution, and more.